Building Collaboration to Prioritize Student Success
Successfully passing good policy requires consistent collaboration with all stakeholders. For the past 15 years, Ruth has worked as a leading organizer on social justice issues. After blowing the whistle on sexual misconduct in the California Legislature and co-founding a coalition to advocate for workers’ rights, Ruth successfully introduced critical labor policy changes in the California Legislature by sitting down at the bargaining table with legislative leadership. Ruth knows how to work collaboratively to achieve real change.
As a trained dialogue facilitator, Ruth is committed to building a culture of collaboration and working together across difference on the City College Board. She will bridge divides between the administration, board, educators, and students to support a thriving City College for everyone.
On the issues, Ruth will:
Increase Enrollment
- Expand Dual Enrollment: Ruth will promote dual enrollment between SFUSD and City College to boost equity and enrollment. Research shows students in dual enrollment are more likely to graduate high school and earn a college degree. City College has room to grow these programs, and as a former dual-enrolled student who benefitted this access, Ruth will promote methods to increase dual enrollment by modeling after other states and community colleges who are leading the way.
- Fix Registration Barriers: City College’s registration system is outdated and difficult to use, discouraging potential students. Ruth will work with the Board to fix the online registration by collaborating with companies that have solved similar issues for other colleges.
- Promote Free City: Ruth will ensure City College effectively markets Free City with targeted, multilingual campaigns that reach high-density student areas. Instead of allocating resources on outdated methods like mass mailings, she will entourage City College to invest in more effective community outreach.
- Strengthen Workforce Pathways: By partnering with local businesses and government, Ruth will expand workforce development programs that improve job placement for graduates.
Stabilize the College
- Address Accreditation Issues: The City College Board must work diligently to move the college off of accreditation warning. By working with board colleagues to follow governance rules, Ruth will collaborate with colleagues, the administration, and pass a multi-year budget plan to ensure long-term financial stability.
- Plan for Long-Term Stability: With state funding set to freeze in 2025, City College must plan for the rising costs of staff, pensions, and facilities by prioritizing enrollment growth. Ruth will focus on enrollment growth and student retention to increase revenue and ensure long-term stability.
- Hire a Permanent Chancellor: City College has had 10 chancellors in 12 years, and the school needs stable leadership with a board committed to working collaboratively alongside a long-term chancellor.
Build Accountability
- Increase Budget Transparency: City College’s budget is non-transparent, which makes it difficult for the public to evaluate. Ruth will push for a more transparent, easy-to-navigate budget, modeled after neighboring colleges and state standards, to ensure proper oversight and accountability.
- Restore Trust in City College: San Franciscans have repeatedly voted to support City College, despite ongoing accreditation warnings and fiscal mismanagement. As a government transparency advocate, Ruth will prioritize transparency, stability, and the responsible use of public funds to move the institution forward.